Making the Case for Wellbeing
Do you want to promote wellbeing in your school or learning centre?
Do you feel like you are aware of the vital importance and benefits of doing so, but need to convince others?
This short, accessible, 3 part course explores what wellbeing in education is, why there is such a pressing need for it today, and examples of how wellbeing is being promoted and protected in a variety of education contexts.
Providing the knowledge-base and ready to use presentations, this evidence-based course does the leg work for you, enabling you to make a compelling case for wellbeing in your education community with knowledge and confidence.
Making the Case for Wellbeing Sessions
Session 1: Why?
Understand the push and pull factors creating worldwide interest in taking an evidence-based approach to promoting wellbeing in education globally, including:
o Growing levels of mental illness/distress
o The value of wellbeing (in both personal and professional contexts) and its link to optimal health, engagement, and performance
Session 2: What?
Understand key scientific findings regarding definitions and frameworks of wellbeing
Session 3: How?
Learn how different education centers are going about promoting wellbeing
Understand the importance of choosing research informed strategies for effective culture change.
Each session contains:
- Informative Video between 11-14 minutes each
- Summary of Key Points PDF
- Presentation PDF contain key information - we've done the heavy lifting for you!
- Supporting Research and Resources
- Completion Quiz - not too demanding but necessary to advance to the next episode
To purchase via invoice please contact [email protected]
Meet your NZIWR Educators
Dr Lucy Hone
Dr Lucy Hone is a published academic researcher, International Positive Education Network Global Rep, a best-selling author and contributor to Psychology Today. Senior adjunct fellow at the University of Canterbury, trained by thought-leaders in the field at the University of Pennsylvania, she is co-author of the Educators’ Guide to Whole-school Wellbeing: A practical guide to getting started, best-practice process and effective implementation (Taylor & Francis, 2020). Her PhD was recognised for its outstanding contribution to wellbeing science at the World Congress in Positive Psychology in 2019. Dr Hone is currently working with large clusters of learning centres to promote regional wellbeing.
Dr Denise Quinlan
Dr Denise Quinlan was ‘present at the birth of Positive Education’, training educators in the UK and Australia as part of the University of Pennsylvania’s Penn Resilience Program/Positive Education team. Author of the Educators’ Guide to Whole-school Wellbeing: A practical guide to getting started, best-practice process and effective implementation (Taylor & Francis, 2020), she is a senior adjunct fellow at the University of Canterbury, collaborates with researchers and practitioners globally and hosts Bringing Wellbeing To Life, a popular podcast on wellbeing topics