Six cost effective sessions developed for schools that are

committed to wellbeing, but short on time.

How to use Bite-Size Learning

Dr Denise Quinlan and Adrienne Buckingham explain how
Bite-Size Learning can be run in your Learning Centre

Designed for Wellbeing Lead Teachers to run short professional learning sessions with staff.

Each episode includes:
  • A short teaching video with Dr Lucy Hone and Dr Denise Quinlan and educators and psychologists experienced in staff and student wellbeing
  • A downloadable overview guide for Wellbeing Leads
  • A teacher Activity handout
  • Further optional resources for each topic to watch, read and listen to
Topics are in logical order that builds on previous knowledge, allowing you and your staff to accumulate a deeper understanding around your whole school wellbeing.

Learning Outcomes

  • Build educator knowledge on topics that are the foundations of wellbeing in education
  • Stimulate discussion and learning amongst educators
  • Promote development of a shared language of wellbeing in the learning centre
  • Enhance staff confidence to address wellbeing topics in the classroom
  • Equip staff with practical evidence-based strategies

Curriculum Overview

Episode 8. Growth Mindset, Perfectionism & Self-Compassion 

Dr Denise Quinlan is joined by Adrienne Buckingham to discuss dealing with perfectionism and anxiety, and how a growth mindset and self-compassion can be helpful alternatives.

Episode 9. Strengths Spotting

Strengths Spotting is an important skill that can effectively promote wellbeing in you and others, helping enhance relationships at home or at work.

Episode 10. MenFit 

‘MenFit’ is a comprehensive and effective mental fitness programme taught in boys’ education. Dr Denise Quinlan and Adrienne Buckingham discuss how it works, and the benefits of ‘MenFit’ for young men's personal growth and wellbeing.

Episode 11. Thinking Traps

Dr Lucy Hone and clinical psychologist Julie Zarifeh discuss Thinking Traps, what they are and why understanding and spotting them is key to wellbeing.

Episode 12. Rest and Recovery: Protection Against Burnout

Learning how to rest and restore your wellbeing is the key to avoid professional burnout.

Episode 13. Working with Strengths: Take Your Strengths Seriously

Dr Denise Quinlan & Adrienne Buckingham discuss the challenges of acknowledging and valuing your own strengths (and why some people may say ‘why did I get the boring strengths?’). When we take our strengths seriously, we can focus on doing more of what we love in the world, and improve our wellbeing.

Designed for continual on-site professional learning

"The BSL videos are manageable chunks of professional learning that have fitted well into part of our staff meeting, Teacher Only Day or meeting before school. The videos, plus activity guides and worksheets, provide practical advice, in an engaging way, to use straight away in your personal life, school setting or classroom. It has made us realise that our well being is up to us and that we can make small, manageable steps to improve it." Amanda Ferguson, Hinds School.

Would you like to view Episode 1 for free?

Click here to sign up for your free episode and downloadable resources

Purchase Bite-Size Learning

Series 2, Episodes 8-13

Please contact us for Group Learning Centres / Kāhui Ako
purchase of more than 5 logins.

[email protected]


Dr Lucy Hone

Dr Lucy Hone is a published academic researcher, International Positive Education Network Global Rep, a best-selling author and contributor to Psychology Today. Senior adjunct fellow at the University of Canterbury, trained by thought-leaders in the field at the University of Pennsylvania, she is co-author of the Educators’ Guide to Whole-school Wellbeing: A practical guide to getting started, best-practice process and effective implementation (Taylor & Francis, 2020). Her PhD was recognised for its outstanding contribution to wellbeing science at the World Congress in Positive Psychology in 2019. Dr Hone is currently working with large clusters of learning centres to promote regional wellbeing.


Dr Denise Quinlan

Dr Denise Quinlan was ‘present at the birth of Positive Education’, training educators in the UK and Australia as part of the University of Pennsylvania’s Penn Resilience Program/Positive Education team. Author of the Educators’ Guide to Whole-school Wellbeing: A practical guide to getting started, best-practice process and effective implementation (Taylor & Francis, 2020), she is a senior adjunct fellow at the University of Canterbury, collaborates with researchers and practitioners globally and hosts Bringing Wellbeing To Life, a popular podcast on wellbeing topics.
