To get the most out of this Step, we encourage you to watch both of the two videos below first, and to download and take a look through the accompanying Workbook. Many of our clients suggest it was helpful to come back to the self-reflection questions after you've watched both videos through. There are no hard and fast rules here; do what works for you. And remember, you can go back and change your notes on the editable PDFs any time, or print them out a second (or third!) time if you want to reflect again.
Just go at the pace that suits you. We can't emphasise this enough. Feel free to watch the videos in bite-sized chunks, pause them when you need to, rewind, make notes, re-watch as much as you like. These are your videos after all! Remember, you are grieving, and, when we're grieving our brains tend to go a little slower. Take your time and be assured that the 'workbook' summarises all of the key information anyway.
You can access all of the Steps in Facing The Day by clicking the 'complete and continue' button on the top right of this page. You will be able to come back to each Step whenever you want. It's also possible to turn the video's subtitles on if you prefer.
Remember, the Coping With Loss Facebook community is always here for you. We look forward to seeing your questions, comments, challenges and triumphs posted in the group. You will find many like-minded souls there - people who truly get you and will cheer you on all the way 💜.
The Workbook for each Step includes Self-Reflection Questions to help you personalise the material to your individual context. The Workbooks are 'editable PDFs' meaning you can click on them, download and then write in them as you go (and change what you've written over time). Or they can be downloaded and printed if you'd rather write manually.
In this first Step, we suggest watching both videos before considering the Self-Reflection Questions.
Remember, the course is there to help you, not be arduous. Use the Workbook in whatever way works best for you - complete as much or as little as you find useful.
Would you like to type directly into this workbook? Select the pdf file link above, save to your device and open using your pdf editor (there are many options available for free download, e.g. Most pdf reader Apps will help you add comments, text and sticky notes for free when you sign in.
Remember to keep journaling (if that's something that appeals/works for you), re-watch the videos, and ponder the Self-Reflection Questions however you like. That can be thinking about them, writing about them, chatting about them with a friend, reading them and then going for a walk. Give yourself a quiet time and space when you have energy to dip into these. You don’t have to answer them all, just try the ones that feel helpful or useful, and check in from time to time on whether the activity is helping or harming.
You may also like to listen to episodes from our podcast series on Resilient Grieving. But again, only if you're hungry for more. We intentionally designed this introductory course not to be too arduous and don't want you to feel you 'should' do more if the videos and Workbooks are enough!
I remember only too well how exhausting grief is, so go easy on yourself, and keep the focus on 'mainly functioning' 💜.
When you’re ready, the next two Steps provide you with better insights on grief so you can get through the days feeling more in control.
We’re not pretending it’s easy - but we do promise you that it’s possible.
Ultimately, you can live and grieve at the same time.
As always, remember to visit the online Coping With Loss community to draw on the tremendous support and additional resources available there, and when you’re ready for the next Step, we’ll see you there.
Thank you for reviewing this FREE SAMPLE of Facing The Day. If you are ready to start your healing, access the full course now here.